50 years ago Mark and Suzy Spitz tied the knot and were married at the Beverley Hills hotel in Beverly Hills, California, on May 6, 1973. About a week later, they were featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated in this iconic photo.
Today in Fort Lauderdale, Mark came home to ISHOF to visit the museum with his family, wife Suzy, son Justin and his fiancé, as well as attend the World Aquatics High Diving World Cup in its second day of competition. In a complete stroke of luck, ISHOF Curator, Bruce Wigo, pulled out the May 14, 1973 Sports Illustrated Issue of Mark and Suzy to show them and they re-created the classic pose, just like they did 50 years ago. Mark and Suzy celebrated 50 years of marriage on May 6, 1973.

Mark looking over his Honoree panel from his induction year, 1977.

It is always great to have Honorees come back for a visit but we must say today was one of those really special days. Thanks Mark and Suzy for stopping by and thanks Bruce for pulling out the Sports Illustrated and to Mark and Suzy for posing again for us!!!