Hungary’s M4Sport’s Water Polo Magazine was in Fort Lauderdale visiting ISHOF, doing a story on the water polo Honorees that have been inducted into ISHOF through the years. They interviewed Bruce Wigo, who told stories about the Honorees, including Tamas Fargo, who visited ISHOF and Fort Lauderdale in 1993, at his induction. Here is the story they showed in Hungary and the infomration that went with it.
Az M4Sport Vízilabda Magazinjának március 9-i adása. Az ISHOF, azaz az Úszó Hírességek Csarnoka Fort Lauderdale-ben, Floridában található, amelyben 41 magyar úszót és vízilabdázót iktattak be. Az Egyesült Államok egyik legnagyobb vízilabda szakértőjével, Bruce Wigo-val készített a stáb interjút. March 9 broadcast of M4Sport's Water Polo Magazine. The International Swimming Hall of Fame (ISHOF), is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in which 41 Hungarian swimmers and water polo players have been inducted. M4Sport's crew interviewed one of the biggest water polo experts in the United States, Mr. Bruce Wigo, former Executive Director of USA Water Polo and President of the ISHOF.