FOR THE RECORD: Coached for 26 years; U.S. Women’s Olympic Team Coach (1960); U.S. Men’s Olympic Assistant Coach (1964); U.S. Men’s Olympic Team Coach (1968); U.S. Women’s Olympic Assistant Coach (1972; Recipient of the National Collegiate and Scholastic Swimming Trophy; A.S.C.A. “Coach of the Year” 1964, 1966, 1967, 1972; Swam for Huntington (IN) YMCA under Coach Glen Hummer; Coached Santa Clara Swim Club and now at UCLA; Recipient of 1965 AAU Swimming Award.

George Haines won 35 National AAU Team Championships — 26 Women’s and 9 Men’s with the Santa Clara Swim Club. He began swimming for Glen Hummer at the Huntington (IN) YMCA, got tired of waiting for Kalamazoo College to build its pool after the war and moved to Santa Clara where he coached 25 years before moving on to his first college job, not at Kalamazoo but at UCLA. Among his hundreds of National Champions, World and American Record holders at Santa Clara was his own daughter, Kerry. His superstars included Chris Von Saltza, Steve Clark, Claudia Kolb, Don Schollander, and Donna deVarona.