Al Schoenfield

Country: USA
Honoree Type: Contributor

FOR THE RECORD:  1960-1977 Editor & Publisher of “Swimming World & Junior Swimmer”, 1964-1977 publisher of “Swimming Technique”; Distributor of important swimming, water polo bibliographies & record books; 1968-1970 President Southern Pacific AAU Association; 1970-1972 Chairman Southern California Swimming Committee; 1968-1984 US Olympic Committee; 1980-1984 Secretary FINA Technical Swim Committee; 1960-1985 Contributor to Encyclopedia Britannica; Recipient of major National & International Awards, including the AAU Swimming Award in 1967, the top award in American Swimming.

Al Schoenfield was an advertising agency account executive and age-group swimming parent who put out a magazine in his home at night, and developed it into a swimming publishing empire that permeated all aspects of swimming, diving, water polo and synchronized swimming.  Through his books and magazines over a period of 18 years, he became the great communicator of swimming.

Schoenfield not only edited and published the most influential swimming magazine the world has yet produced, but he was never afraid to take an editorial stand for or against the establishment on any issue he thought important to swimming progress.  His magazine made swimming people think, and distributed this thinking throughout the world.  he acted as a source person for major print media at national and international games of all kinds.  He never gave up his active participation in the administration of his sport.  he was President of the Southern Pacific Association of the A.A.U.; a member of the National and International Swim Committees, the U.S. Olympic Committee and the FINA Technical Committee.

He was a frequent manager of international teams participating in Pan Am and other foreign trips.  He organized the first and most successful swim-related Olympic and World Championship tours.

Al Schoenfield, with a huge assist from his wife, Faye, and the inspiration of his championship swimming son, Bo, has done most everything a non-coaching contributor can do for swimming.

The information on this page was written the year of their induction