The first real modern day movie about a swimmer’s life story…….. our very own Honoree, Gertrude “Trudy” Ederle”. The movie opens nationwide next Friday, May 31, 2024, but Disney hosted some early premiers, inviting some top swimmers and Paralympians, and some of our favorite Honorees were included, like John Naber, Janet Evans, Jeff Farrell, Brian Goodell, John Kinsella, Bruce Furniss, MISHOF Honoree, 102-year old Maurine Kornfeld and others!

Disney asked Olympians, prominent swimmers and Paralympians to pose with star, Daisy Ridley at L.A. premier…..
Just as Disney is getting ready to release its new movie, “Young Woman and the Sea”, portraying the life of ISHOF Honoree, Gertrude Ederle, ISHOF got a visit from Ederle’s Grand Nephew, Justin and his son, Greyson. The Ederle’s were in South Florida on vacation and knew that had to make one important stop: at the International Swimming Hall of Fame and see the display of their Aunt Trudy. Justin says he was young when his Aunt Trudy was alive, (Ederle died in 2003) but he remembers her telling him exciting stories. Now that he is older and a father, he realizes he didn’t appreciate the significance of the stories, and what he was hearing; he was just too young. But he certainly does now! And he will carry those stories on to his son, Greyson and her sister.

Gertrude Ederle’s Great Nephew, Justin Ederle and his son, Greyson visit Aunt Trudy’s display at ISHOF last week, May, 2024
The Ederle family is very excited about the upcoming film and is planning on going to see it as soon as it opens. At six, Greyson, is a great swimmer, like his great Aunt Trudy and absolutely loves the water. After his visit to the museum, he made a point to go over and have a swim in the new Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center. Aunt Trudy would have approved!

Young Woman and the Sea is an upcoming American film based on the life of 1965 ISHOF Honoree Gertrude Ederle. The movie is produced by Walt Disney and stars Daisy Ridley, who plays the title role of “Trudy”, who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel.
Development on the film began in 2015 after producer Jerry Bruckheimer acquired the film rights to the book and settled in up at Paramount Pictures with Nathanson attached to write it and Lily James was cast as Ederle. Paramount eventually put the project in turnaround. In 2020, it was announced it was acquired by Walt Disney Pictures, with Ridley set to portray Ederle. The majority of the photography took place between May and June 2022. Originally set for release on the streaming service DisneyPlus. Walt Disney Pictures opted to release the film theatrically after positive test screenings from the public.
Young Woman and the Sea is scheduled to be released on May 31, 2024.
To read Trudy’s 1965 ISHOF Induction bio, click here: