Become a Member of One in A Thousand today ~ and receive a thank you call from an ISHOF swimming superstar!

One in a Thousand – June Special
Watch and Listen to Mark Spitz, Janet Evans, Dara Torres, Vladimir Salnikov, Brenda Villa, Greg Louganis, Anthony Ervin, Elvira Khasyanova, Jason Lezak, and Rowdy Gaines. Become a supporter of the International Swimming Hall of Fame and become One In A Thousand!
Become part of the Gang!
Join Rowdy, Janet, Jason, Greg, Dara, Mark and become One in A Thousand today!

If ISHOF can get 25 NEW members of One in A Thousand, in the month of June, we, will have a raffle and select one of those new members to receive a phone call from one of their favorite swimming superstars and ISHOF Honorees!  

All you have to do is: Join ISHOF’s One in A Thousand Campaign (You must be a NEW MEMBER) Monthly or one-time donation accepted! If 25 people join from June 1 through June 30, 2022, we will host a raffle on July 1, we will select and arrange one of those 25+ individuals to receive a phone call from one of our Honoree and or swimming superstars thanking you for joining and supporting ISHOF! Click the link below

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